You’re invited to join us for church on Thursday nights at 7 p.m. Why Thursday? Our church has grown in leaps and bounds over the past few years. Our Sunday morning services are filling up, and we wanted to make room for you.

We know that Sundays are great for some people, but for shift workers, weekend workers, or parents of children involved with sports, Sundays don’t always work that well.

So, whether you’re trying church for the first time, returning to church after a long time, or looking for a new church to call ‘home,’ you’ll be welcome here. You can expect a friendly atmosphere, live music where we show our love for God and an engaging talk that will challenge you to grow in your faith and love for one another no matter what season you are in your life.


Ages 0 – Grade 6

Every Thursday night, we provide a safe environment for children ages 0-Grade 6 to learn who Jesus is, engage with the Bible, and meet other children in an age/stage-appropriate environment.

We also offer activities and programming for children on weeknights throughout the school year.


Attending for the first time with children? By letting us know you are coming, we can get your children pre-registered in our system, so that when you arrive we can focus on welcoming your child to church instead of completing forms.


What is your church like?
Your Subtitle Goes Here

We’re a “come as you are” type of church made up of people of all ages, ethnicities, and walks of life. Feel free to dress as you’re comfortable and make yourself at home.

When do I arrive?
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So that you don’t feel rushed, we do recommend that you arrive 5-10 minutes before the service so that you have time to grab a parking spot, drop off your kids at their programs (if applicable) and find a seat in our auditorium.

What about my kids?
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We have classes for children ages 0-Grade 6. While you are enjoying the service, please know that the safety of your child is of utmost importance to us. All of our volunteers are screened by multiple methods to ensure your child’s safety.
How long are your services?
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Our services are 60 minutes in length.

Will I have to say, sign, or give anything?
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No! We won’t make you wear a visitor badge or ask you to stand up, give anything or do anything that could make you feel uncomfortable. We want you to remain as anonymous as you want to.

Where are your locations?
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We have three physical locations across Edmonton (Mill Woods, Kingsway, and Terwillegar). The Thursday night service is only at the Mill Woods location.

What are your sermons like?
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We’re passionate about teaching others how to understand and apply the Bible in their lives. When you worship with us, you’ll hear a message directly from the Bible each and every week. You don’t have to know anything about the Bible to come and learn. If you don’t have a Bible and want one, we have one for you as a free gift.

Who do I talk to for more info?
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Have more questions? Reach out to us here or call us at 780-462-1515.