Freedom Session is a 21-week, intensive healing-discipleship journey that uncovers the roots of pain in our lives and invites Jesus Christ to heal those areas of our hearts. This journey is for everyone and deals with real issues: frozen emotions, broken marriages, pornography, sexual woundedness or abuse, depression, anger, fear and any destructive pattern used to escape from pain.


The course is made up of weekly large group video teachings, small group discussions and personal homework assignments. Small groups are gender specific, made up of 6-8 set participants and overseen by facilitators who are also walking out their own Freedom journey. 

Freedom Session is writing your story with a new, God-inspired ending.


  • January 16 – June 19, 2025
  • Thursdays | 6:45 PM – 9:15 PM
  • Mill Woods Campus | South Gym
  • Cost: $125

Freedom Session Leadership Team

With each cycle of Freedom Session, we need emotionally and spiritually mature Hope City Church members willing to serve on our leadership team. Our team consists of a wide range of roles, but is primarily made up of facilitators and assistants. All facilitators have the privilege and responsibility of working through the Freedom Session program at the same time as participants and are supported through yearly training and detailed weekly briefings.

Apply to be a part of Freedom Session Leadership for our next intake.

Freedom Session STORIES

Before Freedom Session I was soooo stuck, having tried EVERYTHING I know to try to move out of the rut. I was dying inside and was numb to life. The teaching about forgiveness being unfair and that the people that have caused the wounding owe me no-THING because Jesus has paid the price for me, for them… This truth has set me free and I’m out of my rut. Thank-you Jesus!! This process has been huge in opening the closed doors of the past.

Freedom Session has really shone a light on the questions I believed about myself. It’s been fantastic learning to see me how God sees me. I also see a gentler, less judgmental me.

God is changing my heart. I feel it and my husband and children see a big difference in me. I am able to speak to God now and walk with Him on a daily basis. This course is life changing for me and for everyone around me.

I’ve become a more cheerful and positive person. I’ve worked through a great portion of bitterness that I’ve had towards God. This has helped me to trust again. I’ve worked through things in my past I never thought I would/needed to. I’ve been freed though forgiveness and found hope in the ability of God to heal and free me. Thank you. This is one of the best things I’ve ever done.

I came here with broken friendships often caused by my insecurity and dishonesty. God gave me the courage through my journey with FS to forgive myself, repent, admit and then forgiveness and reconciliation happened!

I came to FS looking for healing and I found it through God during this course. I am with Jesus. The shame and failures of my past no longer hold me back and I am ready for the road ahead. There is still much work ahead but I am now confident I will succeed.

Last summer I was negatively and powerfully triggered by a friend of mine that caused me to spiral down into a very dark place. Through FS I have had the opportunity to deal with the issues of the past. Last month I was in the same situation again and there was no residue of that trigger. I am healed! Praise God!

I came seeking healing, to rid myself of the person I had become. I came looking for help to become the man of integrity I desired to be. I found the grace of God, forgiveness and acceptance in God. Now I can live in God’s grace.

God is healing the brokenness by doing this He’s done what no one and nothing else could. All the spiritual and personal development I’ve done didn’t even come close to what God has done. The weight of shame, anger and regret is lifting. I trust God’s promises. I feel His love. I am His.

I came to get freedom from pain. My pain is less now but I also got so much more. A closer relationship with God where I’m no longer pushing Him away. I’m learning to trust God again and trust who I am in God. I’ve forgiven when I didn’t think it was possible and am now confident that my labels can be given up for my true identity.

I never felt forgiven, nor could I forgive others who have hurt me. Through Freedom Session I learned I am forgiven. I accept that. I’ve forgiven others and myself. A burden is lifted. I am at peace with God. Thank you, Jesus!

Freedom Session has helped me release the pain in my heart and helped me realize that I am loved, good enough and not a failure. It helped me see what I need to work on and showed me that there was a lot of hurt still in my life. I know now that allowing myself to release it will help me live a life God intended me to live.