Family Conversation Starter
We want to help you start a conversation with your kids today about what we learned in church. Every week, you can find an overview of what we learned and discussion questions here. On the way home from church or around the table this week, use these questions to start a conversation together as a family.
Today in church kids learned that we can talk with God! In Genesis 18 and 21, Abraham had three visitors. When Abraham talked with them, God gave him an amazing promise, Abraham and his wife Sarah who were very old would soon have a baby! Kids learned that we can talk with God, and as we do, we get know Him more. No matter where we are or what is going on, we can talk with God and know that He listens, and He cares.
Who are some people you like talking with the most and What do you like talking about with them?
What is one way we can talk with God more this week?