News & Next Steps

What's Happening at Hope City

What's Happening at Hope City

Our Events Page is where you’ll find out about programs and special events that are happening. Whether you have kids or youth or you’re looking for something you can engage with personally, take some time to check it out and add those special dates to your calendar.

Serving Opportunities

Serving Opportunities

See what God can do through you and join a serve team. Did you know there are over 40 different places you can get involved? Whether it’s with the production team; helping people see and experience our services every weekend. Or the welcome team; greeting and welcoming people; making them feel loved as they come through our doors. The opportunities are endless. Use your passion, skills, and gifts to serve the people of our city and be a part of what God is doing. We can’t do what we do here, without you. And we can’t wait to see what God will do through you!



If you’ve decided to follow Christ, it’s time to get baptized. Whether you made that decision last night, last year, or maybe a long time ago – baptism is your next step. When we read the Bible, we see that Jesus calls his followers to be baptized, and He set the example by being baptized. This public declaration of faith is an important next step.

The Alpha Course

The Alpha Course

Share the hope you have with the people you love. Invite someone to Alpha. Alpha is a series of fun dinner and group conversation evenings centered around exploring the big questions of life, spirituality, and faith in a laid-back and non-judgmental environment. It’s for those who want to explore or are rethinking their faith. If you are curious, skeptical, or just have honest questions, bring them to Alpha and explore them with new friends! Courses begin mid-January. 

New Believer's Course

New Believer's Course

New to faith? We can help. If you’ve recently chosen to follow Jesus, this course is the right next step for you. You’ll learn foundational concepts to jump-start your faith journey. Taught by Pastor Katie Nguyen, the course starts on February 9 and  runs for 5 weeks at our Mill Woods Campus.

Marriage Event: Laugh Your Heart Out At The Datenight Tour

Marriage Event: Laugh Your Heart Out At The Datenight Tour

Looking for the perfect way to celebrate Valentine's Day? We've got you covered on Saturday, February 15. This event is a great opportunity to spend quality time together as a couple, laughing and enjoying each other's company in a relaxed, fun atmosphere. There will be clean comedy, a live game show, and plenty of surprises to keep the night exciting! 

Encore (55+) Teaching Series with Rev. Gerry Johnson

Encore (55+) Teaching Series with Rev. Gerry Johnson

Starting February 18, this will be a six video, teaching and dialogue sessions on understanding and respond to the faith deconstruction movement. The series will help you grow in your understanding of deconstruction, so you are better equipped to respond with truth and compassion to those in your life who are going through it. Together we can map a path forward for our own faith and the advance of the Kingdom of God. 

Breaking Family Patterns Workshop

Breaking Family Patterns Workshop

God’s design for our family line is to further spiritual inheritance and blessing. But what happens when we see damage and dysfunction repeated within our family relationships? Our Breaking Family Patterns workshop is taking place on Saturday, February 22. Learn how to be released from family patterns of sin and brokenness, be empowered to walk free from spiritual vulnerabilities, and pour spiritual blessing over your family instead.

Worship Set List

Take You At Your Word
Cody Carnes

Praise You Anywhere
Brandon Lake

Thank You
Royal Anthems

Image-Worship Set List

Weekly Sermon

Watch the latest message from Hope City Church.

Image-Weekly Sermon