
Habits, Prayer, Sabbath

A farmer is helpless to grow grain, all he can do is provide the right conditions for the growing of grain. He cultivates the ground, plants the seed, and waters the plants but the natural...


Holy Spirit, Devotion

Part of a great movie is having a great soundtrack. It’s hard to imagine The Lion King without “Circle of Life”, “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?” and “Hakuna Matata”? In the same way, the...

Protect What Matters

Boundaries, Self-Control

This series is on the book of Proverbs chapter 4, where we learn of four key things we have to pay attention to in order to live out God’s design for human flourishing. We must...

Easter at Hope City

Easter, Hope

The most pivotal, historical, and transformative event in the history of the world is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Watch and listen as Pastor Phil delves into Scripture and uncovers why Easter...

Good Friday

Reflect on the profound sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose unwavering love led Him to endure the agony of the cross for the redemption of humanity. Good Friday reminds us of the depth of God’s love...

Before I Go

Easter, Faith, Holy Spirit, Service

In this series, we walk through John chapters 13 and 14, which is known as the “Upper Room Discourse” or “Jesus’ Farewell Discourse”. This five-hour conversation between Jesus and His disciples gave shape to what...

This is Us

Adultery, Marriage, Relationships

Relationships are deeply important to us. They are also really complicated. In this series, we look at how God’s pattern for marriage leads to joy and fulfillment between husband and wife.

Home Renos

Discipline, Faith, Habits, Prayer

In this series, we walk through the Old Testament book of Nehemiah to understand the internal renovations that God wants to do in our hearts.

Christmas Eve 2023


Experience Hope City’s Christmas Eve experience.

The Gift


Christmas isn’t about gifts. It’s about one gift – Jesus. This series looks at the various wonders surrounding the gift of Jesus and how people connected to the Christmas story responded.

Keeping Score

Money, Forgiveness

In this series, we will be challenged to stop keeping a tally of who owes us, what we think God owes us and what we deserve. Instead, we will be invited to lose count; to...

I Get It

Church, Habits, Purpose

Life is hard. Sometimes it can feel like no one gets us or knows what we are going through. Throughout this series, we will look at different people in the Book of Acts and how...
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