Nicole Tremblay

Before accepting Christ into my life, I felt lost and unsure of myself. I didn’t want to burden others with my feelings of uncertainty and problems. I felt no matter how much I tried I never measured up. I have struggled for things most think is normal. I didn’t want to share my feelings for fear or being judged and shamed.

I have always believed in God and grew up surrounded by crosses and told he is watching over me. I didn’t embrace his message and guidance into my life fully until these last few years. My daughter was invited to the youth program and in meeting those who attend and serve I felt welcomed and wanted to learn more. I was inspired to rebuild my relationship with Christ, and I felt accepted by everyone here.

Since attending church I finally found a place where I belong. I know I always have Christ to lay my burdens down too. I can turn to the wonderful Pastors, those who serve, and my fellow attendees. My story of hardship isn’t something to be ashamed of as with Gods good grace I’ve overcome and learned a lot in the process making me a stronger person. I welcome Christ to walk with me and accept his guidance.