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Group Finder

NameDescriptionScheduleMembersAverage AgeCampusRegister
25-35 CommunityWe are a year-round 25-35(ish) community group that meets once every month, most often Saturday evenings. Past events have included the corn maze, bonfires, pumpkin carving, sports nights and more! Sign up for our monthly emails to get notified of upcoming events!Saturday2029 
25s-35s Bible Study: The Book of Acts - JacobThis will be a study on the book of Acts that's run in a seminar format where I'll be teaching through the book of Acts each week. This group is for those in the 25-35 community who are looking for a more in depth Bible study.Monday at 7:00 PM2028Mill Woods Campus
25s-35s Bible Study: The Book of Colossians - TrevorIn this group, we will alternate between Bible study weeks and hangout weeks. During Bible study weeks, we will explore the book of Colossians using RightNow Media. On hangout weeks, we'll enjoy snacks and play board games. This group is open to everyone in the 25-35 age range, regardless of life stage (e.g., single, married, etc.). Please note that my house is not child-friendly.Wednesday at 7:00 PM1629Mill Woods Campus
25s-35s Book Study: "Angels" - RebeccaThis will be a Bible and book study. We will be listening and reading together from Dr. David Jeremiah’s sermon series “Angels: who they are and how they help, what the Bible reveals” and having a discussion afterwards to help us grow in greater understanding in this topic.Monday at 7:30 PM828Mill Woods Campus
25s-35s Community & Connection - Hudson & AlishaThis bi-weekly group is for young adults, whether married or single. We’ll explore a study or book together in a relaxed setting, with discussions on apologetics and practical applications for our daily lives. Some weeks may feature planned activities, and we’re open to exploring additional topics based on the group’s interests.Tuesday at 7:00 PM1224Terwillegar Campus
25s-35s Community Group EventsThis group is intended for anyone in the 30ish age range that is looking for community. (Please note that age range is not a hard and fast rule.) Our purpose is to build community and be a place where we can form friendships, have fun, and do life together. We desire to grow together in our faith as followers of Christ by serving each other, the church, and our local community and beyond. This is an eclectic group of singles, couples, leaders, attendees all with a passion to make a difference in our communities and ultimately in our world. Is there something on your heart or do you have an idea for a small group project? We look forward to serving and growing alongside you. Sign up to be included in email notifications for upcoming events. 43331Mill Woods Campus
25s-35s Video Study: "The Book of Job" - BernadetteThe world teaches us to revolve our actions, thoughts, and beliefs around ourselves. "It's all about you!", we are encouraged to think. In the world's philosophy, we become the author and hero of our story. But the bible teaches us a different view, one where another hero- the actual Author of life- takes center stage. In this group, we will be watching a video series by Francis Chan on the book of Job. He will help us navigate the truth that we exist not for ourselves but to glorify the God who deserves all worship and praise. If you're seeking more of God and a really cool community of God-fearing people to do this with- this group is for you. We will also have serving opportunities to live out our faith. Meets bi-weekly, come join!Thursday at 7:00 PM1930Mill Woods Campus
35-50+ Singles Group EventsThis group is for singles ages 35 to 50+. This is where we meet, grow friendships and walk together into every season God has next for us. Sign up to receive email notifications for our monthly events. 27446Mill Woods Campus
55+ Singles Group EventsA single Christian group to bring individuals 55+ together. An opportunity to make new friends and create like minded social activities with people of same faith. Based on interest we can create a calendar of events. 1962Hope City Church
Activity Group: Drop In Basketball - Daniel & RichardJoin us for drop-in basketball! It's a moderate level of competition. This group is aimed at adults and co-ed.Saturday at 10:00 AM5032Mill Woods Campus
Activity Group: Drop In Floor Hockey - Jonny & DeanThis drop in floor hockey group is located at the Mill Woods Campus Gym and open to all adults of any skill level (co-ed). The church has equipment that you can use or you can bring your own. We play weekly on Sunday afternoons from 4:15pm to 5:45pm, You'll want to use entrance 7! Hope to get you running around the gym with us!Sunday at 4:15 PM2736Mill Woods Campus
Activity Group: Hair Care, Braiding & Styling - KimThis will be an activity group dedicated to braiding and learning how to manage and style your own/your family’s hair. This is for anyone and everyone.Monday at 7:00 PM1622Mill Woods Campus
Activity Group: Knitting & Crochet - CatherineFaith and Fibre This a social club for people who want to visit while working on yarn, fabric, and fibre projects. Knitting, crochet,spinning, embroidery, cross stitch, English Paper Piecing, etc, all are welcome! If it's portable and fits in your lap, bring it along. We will visit, share charity crafting connections, and pray for the recipients of our work. Please note: this is not designed as a class to learn how to knit or crochet from scratch, but members may be able to give support to get you started.Wednesday at 6:30 PM2054Mill Woods Campus
Activity Group: Pickleball - Rachelle & KevinWhether you’re looking to get some exercise, have fun with friends, or try out a new sport, our Pickleball group is the perfect way to dive into the game. Please bring comfortable non marking shoes and a racquet. Come for the sport, stay for the community! Please note we are meeting every second week.Friday at 9:00 AM2046Mill Woods Campus
Activity Group: Volleyball - MikeThis is an activity group for those who are wanting to play indoor volleyball. Every one is welcome at any level as we focus on being recreational while putting God first and foremost! Though we invite anyone over the age of 18 to join, if you are atleast 16 and accompany a parent / guardian / adult you are also welcome to join.Sunday at 2:30 PM3635Mill Woods Campus
Apologetics & Polemics 101“But in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you” – 1 Peter 3:15 (ESV). In this small group, we will equip ourselves to confidently and graciously defend the Christian faith, always giving thanks to Christ, our foundation and guiding light in all truth. We will explore key topics in apologetics, including the existence of God, the problem of evil, the reliability of the Gospels, and historical evidence for the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus. Additionally, we will engage in polemics, critically comparing Tawhid with the Trinity, examining the historical evidence for Muhammad, assessing the origins of both Islam and Christianity, and addressing common objections to Christianity raised by other world religions. As 2 Corinthians 10:5 (ESV) reminds us, “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” Yet, in all our discussions, we remain mindful that those who disagree with us are made in the image of God and are valuable to Him. In this group, we will not only defend the faith but also learn to love and respect others, even in disagreement. We love because Christ first loved us. (1 John 4:19) With hearts full of gratitude, we gather to strengthen our faith, give thanks to Christ, and grow in our understanding and love for others. All are welcome!Sunday at 4:00 PM124 
Bible & Video Study - Vern & LoisThis is a Bible Study group. We will take a specific book of the Bible or a specific scriptural topic and go through a study with the aid of a video teaching series, or we do a scriptural passage study. We will have input from others and conversation. We have a prayer time and start it all off with coffee and goodies.Tuesday at 7:00 PM1455Mill Woods Campus
Bible Study: "The Journey II" - Don & Ruth"The Journey II" is a 12-session study exploring the epic journeys found in the Bible and how they relate to our personal life experiences. From Israel’s journey from captivity to the apostle Paul’s missionary travels, we’ll uncover the promises and guidance God provides for life’s journeys. Whether anticipated or challenging, every journey requires resources like security, protection, and goals—and the Bible offers wisdom on each of these. Using biblical examples, we’ll also look at modern-day individuals who have answered God’s call in extraordinary ways. This series invites us to connect their stories with our own journey of faith. Most group members are 40+, but all are welcome to join us on this journey. "The Journey", a rotating group, will alternate weeks with "The Journey II", and participants are welcome to join both.Tuesday at 7:00 PM1562Mill Woods Campus
Bible Study: "The Journey" - Don & RuthThe Journey is a 12-session study exploring the parables of Jesus and their relevance to modern life. We’ll examine how Jesus' timeless stories apply to leadership, work, family, and personal challenges today. Beginning with the perspectives of the gospel writers, we’ll dive deep into each parable and its wisdom for navigating our complex world. Most group members are 40+, but all are welcome to join us on this journey. Journey 2, a rotating group, will alternate weeks with The Journey, and participants are welcome to join both.Tuesday at 7:00 PM1663Mill Woods Campus
Bible Study: 'Sword Drills of the Spirit' - The Gospel Story'Sword Drills of the Spirit' is a weekly Bible study in which we chronologically read through sections of the bible together and discuss their significance in God's plan for humanity and how to apply the truths we discover to our own lives. This year we will be doing The Gospel Story, reading through all four gospels in parallel as we see prophecy fulfilled and the plan of salvation come to fruition. The study is open to any and all are welcome, it conveniently takes place at the same time as the Lab kids activities at Mill Woods Campus for those who would like to attend at the same time as their kids are occupied.Wednesday at 6:30 PM2847Mill Woods Campus
Board Games and HangoutsThis is a group for people who want to play board games, connect with new people, and have fun. BYOBG (bring your own board games!)Sunday at 4:00 PM226 
Book Study: "The Beatitudes" - Uli & AliceThe group is composed primarily 40 yr and older, and intended for fellowship, sharing, growth and support. Discussion topics follow Hope City approved DVD small group series. We will start with Matt Chandler's 'The Beatitudes'Monday at 7:00 PM955Mill Woods Campus
Book Study: "The Search For Significance" - BrettanyWe will be doing an 8 week deep dive into the book The Search For Significance by Robert S. McGee Book overview: We are all searching for significance to ourselves, to others, to our community and to our world. Discover what three million readers have already discovered: that true significance is found only in Christ. Robert McGee's bestselling book has helped millions of readers learn how to be free to enjoy Christ's love while no longer basing their self-worth on their accomplishments or the opinions of others. In fact, Billy Graham said that it was a book that "should be read by every Christian." What makes this book so uniquely powerful is understanding that the journey begins in a very private place—your thoughts. “When I fail at something, I feel lousy about myself. When others do not approve of me, I can’t seem to get over it. Sometimes it feels like I’ll never measure up.” These are the universal lies that trigger the cycle of self-doubt, robbing you of joyful living. Now, you can free yourself from these self-defeating lies. One by one, The Search for Significance confronts these lies, dismantles them, and points you to a higher truth that is the source of life’s meaning. It points you to Almighty God—the source of life itself. In this re-launch of this timeless classic, you will: Gain new skills for getting off the performance treadmill Discover how four false beliefs have negatively impacted your life Learn how to overcome obstacles that prevent you from experiencing the truth that your self-worth is found only in the love, acceptance, and forgiveness of Christ. With a hands-on workbook and new, revised material, now is the perfect time to discover The Search for Significance. If you’ve already encountered its life-changing truths, there is no better time to explore them all over again, enriching your life in the process. Your own journey begins with this step.Saturday at 10:00 AM1131Mill Woods Campus
Christian Living: Book/Video Study - Ola & MaranathaThis small group is open to everyone who is interested in exploring and deepening their understanding of Christian faith through study and discussion. Whether you're new to Christianity or looking to enrich your spiritual journey, this group welcomes you. What We'll Be Doing: We will be studying a selected Christian book, engaging in group discussions, and reflecting on how its teachings apply to our lives. Our sessions aim to foster spiritual growth, build community, and encourage open, meaningful conversations about faith. Join us to grow in your understanding and connection with others on a similar path.Thursday at 6:30 PM1742Hope City Church
Christian Living: Connection Group - JanetOur group is open to anyone, even those coming from another community other than Sherwood Park. We will be following a Right Now Media Essentials of Faith or book of the Bible study. We are a group of age 40 and up who want to do community together.Wednesday at 7:00 PM1163Mill Woods Campus
Couples Book Study: "You and Me Forever" - Ayuk & MiaMarriage is a complex institution with no one size fits all but one grounded with the word of God will excel. Please join us to learn, grow and make a beautiful family and society to the glory of God. If you plan on getting married, just married, been married for many many years and will like to share your wisdom, this bi-weekly group is for you.Monday at 7:00 PM838Mill Woods Campus
Couples Group - HarveyThis is a group for couples. Join us for community and conversation as we study Ps 23 with Matt Chandler.Sunday at 7:00 PM670Mill Woods Campus
Deep Dive (Diane)Each week we will be meeting to reflect on and discuss the sermon from the previous week’s Sunday service. This group is about growing meaningful Christian friendships while also growing further in our faith and applying what we learn to our daily lives.Friday at 7:00 PM125 
Families/All Ages/Stages - Yashim & KennethWe are a group of God seekers. We want to grow in our relationship and devotion to God as well as care for each other.Friday at 7:30 PM2841Mill Woods Campus
Family Study: "S.H.A.P.E " & Sermon Series - MonicaWe will be following the study 'S.H.A.P.E' alongside the Sermon Series. As we each bring our unique perspectives, we'll grow together through shared experiences and personal spiritual transformation.Thursday at 6:00 PM1251Mill Woods Campus
Go & TellJoin us as we take the love and truth of Jesus Christ to the streets of Edmonton! This small group is dedicated to sharing the gospel, praying for the lost, and witnessing the transformative power of God in our city. Through bold faith and compassionate outreach, we aim to reach hearts with the message of salvation, offering hope and pointing others to Jesus. We will also be handing out free Bibles and offering to pray for people we encounter, trusting God to move in their lives. Our mission is inspired by Jesus' Great Commission: "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age." (Matthew 28:19-20) We step out in obedience to this command, believing that sharing the gospel and offering prayer for others is a way we can fulfill Christ’s call to make disciples. As we spread the Word and offer Bibles, we trust the Holy Spirit to work through us, knowing that Christ is with us as we go. Requirements: - Must be a Bible-believing Christian. - Born again with a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. - Belief in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Come, be equipped, and step out in faith to spread the Good News!Friday at 5:00 PM124 
Group 07: Project A"A" stands for Aligned. Project A aims to uphold morals and values aligned with the Christian faith. Project A is a student group dedicated to creating a safe and inclusive space for young adult Christians at the University of Alberta. Our mission is to foster a strong sense of community, support, and fellowship among members while providing a welcoming environment for newcomers. Our community aims to make the University of Alberta feel smaller and more connected.Wednesday at 5:15 PM521 
Intercessory Prayer Group - TrudyWe meet to pray once a week together. Come join our prayer group as we pray for one another, our families and our communities.Thursday at 9:15 AM1169Terwillegar Campus
Ladies Bible Study: The Book of Matthew - TerryThis group is for women of all ages who want to study the Gospel of Matthew together over a 14 week period. No book is required. All you need is your Bible, a notebook and a pen.Thursday at 9:00 AM838Mill Woods Campus
Ladies Book Study: "Amos: An Invitation to the Good Life" - Lavon, Jody, Shelley & DollyThis in-depth women's bible study will equip you to study the Old Testament book of Amos with other ladies. Jennifer Rothschild invites us to enter the God Life, which leads to the Good Life. Together we will learn to be assured, faithful, chosen, humble, justly, prayerful, and hopeful followers of Christ. This kind of living will bring us and others around us true peace. If you aren’t familiar with Jennifer she became blind after the age of 15 and is a woman of substance who pours her heart into her studies. A study guide with access to 8 teaching videos, provides the basis of our study together. Check out this link for a glimpse into one session ( Our group also focuses on connections and we’ll provide opportunity for you to get to know the other ladies at your table and the larger group as well. Consider this your personal invitation to the God Life!Monday at 6:30 PM3256Mill Woods Campus
Ladies Book Study: "Get Out of Your Head" - Chelsey & BrittanyThis group is for ladies in their 30s and 40s (although any age is welcome) in any stage of life who are looking to build relationships with other Christian women. During this 7-week study we are going to be reading through Get Out of Your Head: Stopping the Spiral of Toxic Thoughts by Jennie Allen. We meet bi-weekly.Thursday at 7:00 PM936Mill Woods Campus
Ladies Book Study: "How To Live Right When Your Life Goes Wrong" - SharonThis is a women's group that study books that are based on the Bible that helps us in our spiritual journey as Christian women and how to have a Godly perspective on the troubles that God allows in our lives.Tuesday at 6:30 PM1552Mill Woods Campus
Ladies Book Study: "The Dream of You" - MelissaJoin us for a 6-week Bible study that explores how to exchange an identity built on lies, guilt, and brokenness for your true identity as a child of God. We will be following "The Dream of You" by Jo Saxton, and each session includes a 15-minute video to complement the study.Monday at 6:30 PM642Mill Woods Campus
Ladies Book/Video Study: "Seeing God as a Perfect Father" - SherriYou are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing.Seeing God as a Perfect Father invites you to: see that God is the perfection of your earthly father, not a reflection of him discover how to walk in the freedom of your identity as a loved child, uniquely created by God break the chains of generational patterns by forgiving your imperfect family.Wednesday at 7:00 PM846Mill Woods Campus
Ladies Community & Connection - Becki & RebeccaAre you female and looking to meet new people? Tired of doing your hobbies at home alone? Or just need someone to hang out with? Come join us on Monday nights for a short devotional & prayer time, coupled with playing games, doing crafts, colouring, or just sitting & talking. If you have a favourite hobby or game, feel free to bring it with you.Monday at 7:00 PM1939Mill Woods Campus
Ladies Community & Connection - JennThis group is about building up our faith and relationship with Christ. It is about finding community and praying together. A safe place to come and grow in your knowledge of biblical principles and speaking out scripture. We will be using bible studies for teaching, singing worship, sharing our thoughts and praying together. This group is for any woman of any age.Wednesday at 9:30 AM947Terwillegar Campus
Ladies Sermon Series Study Group - JodiThis group will meet weekly to engage in a study that follows the sermons at Hope City while also developing community. The group will be hosted at the Kingsway campus, and all women are welcome.Tuesday at 7:00 PM834Kingsway Campus
Ladies Study (Spanish): "F.O.R.M.A" & Sermon Series - MonicaWe will follow the study "F.O.R.M.A" alongside the Sermon Series. As each of us brings our unique perspectives, we will grow together through shared experiences and personal spiritual transformation.Friday at 9:00 PM348Online
Letter to the Romans - Part 1 (Guys Group)Join us for an engaging and transformative experience in our men's small group as we delve into the powerful teachings of the book of Romans. This group is designed specifically for guys seeking to deepen their understanding of Scripture, strengthen their faith, and build strong, supportive relationships with fellow believers. Our study will center on the Apostle Paul's letter to the Romans, exploring its rich theology, practical implications, and its call to live out the Gospel in our daily lives. From the foundational doctrines of grace and salvation to the challenges of living a life empowered by the Spirit, this journey promises to be both enlightening and inspiring.Wednesday at 7:00 PM129 
Men's Book Study: "The Way of the Dragon Slayer" - Rob, Simon & JohanThe way of the Dragon slayer - 7 reasons men need brothers. Book by Danny SilkTuesday at 6:45 PM1244Mill Woods Campus
Men's Community & ConnectionOur group is for Men of all ages to gather for fellowship, prayer, learning together, and strengthening one another. We will be watching videos based on biblical teaching and discussing, as well as game nights and the occasional outing.Wednesday at 7:00 PM1646Kingsway Campus
Men's Community & Connection - Kevin, Nathan & KenIntentional community of men committed to authenticity and to growth. We plan to use two group video series over the fall semester, the first is 'The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry' by John Mark Comer and the second is 'Psalm 23' by Matt Chandler. The video will be used as an opener for discussion, but we are here for relationship not just study, as our focus is to encourage each other to deepen our walk with Christ. We also plan occasionally to do some fun activities together.Wednesday at 7:30 PM1344Mill Woods Campus
Men's Faith & Fitness Group - Kelly & AldrinThis group is for men who want to improve their health, physically, mentally and spiritually. We will meet 2 times per week. 1 in person workout and 1 group phone call. Time commitment is 2 hours per week.Sunday at 6:30 PM1346Mill Woods Campus
Men's Group - DavidWe meet weekly alternating between Bible study and social activities.Wednesday at 7:00 PM2049Mill Woods Campus
Men's Group: “The Man You Were Made To Be” - Charles, Ron & DavidMen of all ages are invited to join us as we go through the study “The man you were made to be”. Men are under intense pressure these days. Could this be a good thing? Could it be God's invitation to transformation? In this encouraging six-part series, ex-cop and pastor Anthony Delaney explains that when we get honest before our Heavenly Father - surrendering to Him our fitness, finances, family, failures, and friendships - He shapes us into the men we're made to be, with nothing to prove, nothing to hide, and everything to live for.Wednesday at 7:00 PM560Terwillegar Campus
Men's Group: How to Overcome - MarkThis group is intended to be the first step for men dealing with porn addiction. We'll be going through the 10 day freedom from porn action plan.Thursday at 7:00 PM343Mill Woods Campus
Men's Morning Bible Study - PercyMen's Wed Morning Group Bible Study is for men who are available during the morning hours to study/discuss a Biblical topic based on a video series.Wednesday at 9:00 AM1370Mill Woods Campus
Mile 42Are you looking to deepen your faith through serving? Well, look no further because Mile 42 is the small group for you! Every two weeks on Thursdays from 6:00-8:00pm we are gathering at the Project Off-Site where we will do a devo about a certain charitable organization in our city. The following week, on a day that specific organization runs their programming, we are doing an OUTREACH! This offers us a chance to put our faith into action, so please check our calendar to see what dates we are volunteering! It's a great opportunity to not only serve but meet like-minded people who love to help others! Our small group provides a chance to experience different ministries in our city and get connected with organizations that are doing great things for God's kingdom (plus you can get some nice volunteer hours). It also allows these organizations to get better connected with our young adults who attend the Project! So it's a Win-Win! Just make sure that you keep an eye on important dates included in our calendar! We hope to see you this Thursday!Thursday at 6:00 PM221 
Mom's Chat & Play - JanelleCalling all Mama's and Mini's! Lets get together to connect while our Mini's play (or sleep). This group is for Mama's with newborns, babies, toddlers, homeschooled children, etc. We will carve out time weekly for us Mama's to talk, ask questions, pray, hear a devotional, and encourage one another in life. Come whenever you can, we know life happens, but its so much better together with friends.Thursday at 10:30 AM1236Kingsway Campus
Moms of Young Children Community - AnuThis group is for moms with kids in the 0 to 6 years age range to build a community together. We will explore different topics that are relevant to us as women and moms of littles through a biblical lens, pray together, seek and provide advice where necessary and enjoy a wholesome fellowship. Please note that all meetings except the first and last one this season, will be be virtual. The first and last meeting (in-person) will be in person at a location and time agreed upon by group members.Saturday at 8:30 PM1034Mill Woods Campus
Neighbors and Newcomers Network Edmonton: Understanding Islam ClassUnderstanding Islam Class: There is a growing population of people in our communities who are Muslims. In this 8 session class of 90 minutes length each, we will learn about the Islamic worldview, their beliefs and practices, as well as proven tools to respectfully serve and engage with these neighbors. Packet of class notes included.Monday at 7:00 PM1654Mill Woods Campus
New Believer's Community Group - BrendanAre you a newer follower of Jesus? Do you have questions and a drive to learn more about your faith? This group meets once a month on Sunday afternoons. We will gather to learn, talk, share, and grow. Our journey of faith isn't meant to be done alone, join a community! Feel free to come as you are. There will be opportunities to meet one on one with members of the serve team.Sunday at 4:00 PM2747Mill Woods Campus
Parenting Community: Nurturing Young Lives - Ashiru"Parenting Your Child" is a group for parents of children 12 and under, offering support, encouragement, and practical tools to navigate the challenges and joys of raising young children. Join us as we share experiences, learn from one another, and grow in our role as parents. We meet bi-weekly.Saturday at 6:00 PM535Mill Woods Campus
Parenting with Purpose - WellingtonAt this small group meeting, we will be to considering the subject matter of "Parenting with Purpose". Every adult , couples (Intending Parents) and parents are welcome. to attend. The teachings will be from a well researched, personally prepared material (Bible and Spirit Inspired) and mode of presentation will be through PowerPoint.Saturday at 11:00 AM937Mill Woods Campus
Photography GroupWant to learn how to take photos? Need to learn how to use your camera? Look no further! This small group is designed to help you learn and grow your photography skills, as well as make new friends! Note: cameras are required, no phones please!Thursday at 5:00 AM128 
ProsportsWe love Jesus, we love sports, and we don't care who knows! Don't be fooled by our name, we are not pros! ProSports is a way to meet some great people, no matter your skill level. We'd love for you to hang out with us, even if you only want to watch! Play and enjoy sports with others in a safe, fun and moderately competitive environment. *You don’t need to fill out the registration form if you want to join us! Just follow us on Instagram or Facebook to stay up to date with which sport we’re playing and where we’re meeting. ProSports also runs year-round!Monday at 7:00 PM825 
Saturday Morning Grappling GroupJoin us for our Saturday Morning Grappling Group, open to all skill levels! Whether you're a beginner or experienced, this is a welcoming space to connect with others, build community, and improve both physically and mentally. Together, we'll learn the art of jiu-jitsu while supporting each other on and off the mat, focusing on personal growth and creating lasting relationships. Come as you are, and let’s grow stronger in both spirit and body!Saturday at 8:30 AM133 
Scriptures n' Sweet TreatsDo you love Jesus and sweet treats? Join us bi-weekly for a fun and faith-filled 2-hour session. In the first hour, we'll bake a delicious sweet treat together (no baking experience required!), and in the second hour, we'll dive into a meaningful Bible study. Whether you're a seasoned baker or just here for the fun and fellowship, all you need is a positive attitude! This is a space for learning, laughter, and growing in faith as we connect over scripture and sweet treats.Saturday at 6:00 PM123 
Sermon Series Study Group - Shawn and Angie MoneyWe're a small group that dives into the Hope City sermons together. Our members range from 40+ singles to married couples, some with young kids, others with grown children, and some who are retired.Tuesday at 7:00 PM1247Terwillegar Campus
Single Parents Bible Study: "The Armor of God" - NatashaThis group is considering those people who are divorced / separated who are looking for a church community that they can relate to. This group isn't the divorce care group, it is just a bible study group with others who have been divorced / separated and are leaning into the word of God for their strength and building community to engage with those who may feel isolated. Men and women are included. We will be doing a bible study" The Armor of God" Demographic : divorced / separated, men and women included and any age.Sunday at 5:00 PM436Mill Woods Campus
Teachers Community: Navigating Today's Classroom - Richelle & ShaunaTeaching, it has many challenges, especially in today's world. This group will be using a book study to prompt conversations around contemporary issues in the classroom and how Christian teachers should respond. We look forward to creating a culture of connection and support with colleagues through this monthly group.Wednesday at 7:00 PM639Mill Woods Campus
Teaching Series: 'A Seat at The Table' - Pastor MattTeaching series: 'A Seat at The Table' The table is key in providing the setting for authentic connection, sharing of stories, feasting as fellowship, and a hub of meaningful conversation and laughter. Jesus loved tables. More than that, Jesus loved people who thought they were far from God and saw the table as a place of intimate connection that allowed Him to meet people where they were. Join Pastor Matt as we look at the importance of the table in Jesus' life and ministry and what that might mean for how it impacts our lives today.Tuesday at 12:30 PM1758Mill Woods Campus
Terwillegar Men's Community GroupSign up here to join the distribution list for TW Men’s Ministry events. We meet regularly for Bible study, Breakfast, Wing Nights and other social events to build a community of christian men doing life together. 5246Terwillegar Campus
Terwillegar: Small Group Interest - Young AdultsAre you interested in becoming a part of a community of young adults at Terwillegar Campus? Our young adult small group will offer an exciting opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals, deepen your faith, and build lasting friendships. Whether you're new to the area, seeking spiritual growth, or simply looking for a supportive community, our small groups provide a welcoming environment for individuals at all stages of their faith journey. Sign up today, and we'll reach out with more details on our upcoming Young Adults small group. 1426Terwillegar Campus
The Book of Romans: Part 1 - Ron & FrankWe will be studying the Book of Romans, Part 1 covering Romans 1-7 by Pastor JD Greear. The study is available on RightNow Media and for each bi-weekly lesson, there is a video and accompanying study guide. We welcome anyone who wishes to attend, with existing group members that have mostly been 55+.Tuesday at 7:00 PM1065Terwillegar Campus
The Veggie ScholarsAre you ready to take a deep dive into some Bible stories? Do you want to have engaging discussions with new friends from The Project? And most importantly, do you like to talk to tomatoes? Some days we feel like we're in a pickle, but by gathering together with God's word, we can be as cool as cucumbers. As Veggie Scholars, we will meet every 2 weeks to watch an episode of VeggieTales, discuss the relevant scriptures and practical applications, and spend some time just vegging out together. Whether you've never heard a silly song, or you have some experience going up and down the produce aisle, we are excited to see you. Have we got a show for you!Friday at 6:00 PM221 
Time For Ladies: "Practicing the Way" - Marla & KatieThis 8 session course is designed to help get you started on the journey of spiritual formation, help you get unstuck if you've stalled out, or just guide you into taking your next step. Ultimately, its goal is to train you to live as an apprentice of Jesus: to be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did. Join Marla and Katie as they facilitate this journey together in community. Companion Guide $15.00Wednesday at 9:00 AM1443Mill Woods Campus
Time For Ladies: Bible Study 2nd Samuel - Shellie & LisaTime for Ladies group studying 2 Samuel. The book of 2 Samuel explores one of the most fascinating stories in all of Scripture, the reign of King David. As we trace the lives of its key characters, we’ll explore the themes of king and kingdom, pointing us to our divine King, Jesus Christ. Book Cost: $25.00Wednesday at 9:30 AM1260Mill Woods Campus
Time For Ladies: Elijah Bible Study - KaraleeIn this 7 week study we will learn about the life and journey of Elijah. You will be encouraged and strengthened in your faith. You will understand the value of seasons of growth and testing in your spiritual maturity. This is a book/video study. Book Cost $23.00Wednesday at 9:00 AM749Mill Woods Campus
Time For Ladies: Mom's Chat & Play - LanaThis group is for Family Day homes/ Moms & tots ( 2- 6yrs). We will meet in the gym on Wednesday morning so our kids can run & play, while we discuss the weeks message from Sunday Service. We will grow in our knowledge of God's word & find practical ways to apply the word to our daily life. Bring a coffee & come chat and play! * We are a scent free environment please..Wednesday at 9:30 AM1136Mill Woods Campus
Time For Ladies: Table Talk - MarliesEnvision conversations when you're around the kitchen or dining room table and how they flow from one topic to another, sometime light and sometime deep. Our weekly goal is connection with God and others via conversation starters, discussions, devotional thoughts and prayer. This is open to women of all ages and stages. *This is a great group if you need a "drop in" option as we aren't going through a book or have homework.Wednesday at 9:00 AM2953Mill Woods Campus
Video Study: "The Gospel of Mark" - IrisWe will be studying the gospel of Mark with Francis Chan. Our love and devotion to our Christ being revived. The study will be 11 sessions and includes a free study guide we will gather every week.Wednesday at 1:00 PM1446Kingsway Campus
Video Study: Apologetics - ConradJoin us for an enlightening journey with Dr. Chad Ragsdale, the esteemed academic dean and New Testament faculty member at Ozark Christian College. Over the course of ten engaging sessions, Dr. Ragsdale will thoughtfully address your most pressing questions about faith, truth, and the complexities of suffering. This study is designed not only to help you grapple with challenging inquiries but also to equip you with the skills to communicate effectively and engage meaningfully with the culture around you. Through deep exploration and open dialogue, you will gain valuable insights that will strengthen your understanding and ability to articulate your beliefs. Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your faith and enhance your ability to connect with others on these critical topics!Tuesday at 7:00 PM1655Kingsway Campus
Video Study: The Chosen Season 3 - Leeanne & DebbiThis is a group for anyone interested in The Chosen series. We will be exploring Season 3 of the series, accompanied by a study guide to dig into scripture and bring out the meaning and truth of the word. We will watch an episode together and then discuss questions from the study guide. Join us as we begin with the Sermon on the Mount, and journey through to the Feeding of the 5000. Study guide will be required and cost is approximately $20.Thursday at 6:30 PM852Mill Woods Campus
Walking with Christ FALL 2024In this small group we will be heading into the streets walking with Christ; feeding the homeless, praying for them (if they’d like). Some weekends we will be doing fun group activities, Bible studies and hanging out with God in mind.Sunday at 1:30 PM126 