
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin eget pellentesque metus. Sed tempor velit ante, et malesuada lorem venenatis sed. Donec lacinia lacus sit amet pharetra vehicula. Nam accumsan malesuada fringilla. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur vulputate semper tellus ac faucibus. Nam sodales, libero quis consectetur pharetra, turpis felis tristique tellus, a feugiat nunc leo ac turpis. Mauris congue diam non ante tincidunt ultricies. Praesent ut bibendum metus.

Cras non gravida orci, a faucibus felis. Maecenas at sem porttitor, porttitor magna quis, molestie ante. Cras ultricies tempus nunc, in dapibus magna vehicula ut. Nam sodales ante et metus tincidunt ultricies. Phasellus rhoncus nisi quis leo dignissim congue. Nunc id ante vitae lacus sodales facilisis a ac leo. Nam non placerat diam. Ut aliquet nec arcu ut scelerisque. Etiam sit amet nibh tortor. Etiam egestas sit amet mauris quis condimentum. Aliquam libero nulla, pretium non libero ut, consequat porttitor erat. Proin convallis tellus vel nulla laoreet ultrices.

Vivamus mattis consectetur neque ut iaculis. Sed adipiscing massa vitae lobortis tincidunt. Sed in egestas ipsum. Etiam eget dolor pulvinar, interdum ligula in, cursus odio. Nulla id quam sem. Vivamus ac augue ultricies, porttitor tortor eu, dapibus mauris. Integer eleifend metus ut rhoncus fermentum. Fusce eu egestas nunc. Nulla suscipit sem eu iaculis facilisis. In dignissim enim in suscipit ullamcorper. Integer ultricies lacus ac leo ultrices, ac eleifend magna vestibulum. Vestibulum convallis justo at vulputate blandit. Duis volutpat leo turpis.

Philippines Livelihood and Livestock Program - 2025

Initiating and expanding the livelihood and livestock program for a local church in Luzon, and expanding to two other islands in the south, Malay, Aklan and Puerto Princesa, Palawan.
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Colombia Work Team - Early 2025

Our work team is going to beautiful Chiquinquira, Colombia to work with Darren & Patty McCrea in building Casa del Padre church and the Christ is King Christian School. We will also have the opportunity to minister to the boys and staff at ‘The Refuge’ Boys Home and in 2 local churches.
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Home of the Good Shepherd (Brazil) Youth Missions Team

July 19, 2024 to August 3, 2025
South Brazil
Our youth ministry is sending a team of students to Home of the Good Shepherd (HGS) in Brazil in July 2025. HGS is a residential home for children who are unable to live with their families due to abandonment, abuse and other reasons. The team will be leading ministry times and recreational activities for and with the children, helping with maintenance tasks such as painting and other responsibilities. Students in grade 11 and 12 can apply to be part of the team; further information and the application form are available at the links below. The initial application deadline will be September 20, 2024.
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