On April 7 we’ll be launching our new groups for the Spring as well as many other ways to get connected at Hope City.


Small Groups include: bible studies, sermon series studies, Christian living book studies, activity groups, learning communities, and groups for various ages and stages: men, women, singles, couples.


Serve Teams are great way to new people and get connected at your Church. You also get to by helping other’s discover Christ and grow in their faith. Discover how you can serve today!


Our New Believer’s Course is designed for people who have recently chosen to follow Jesus. Over the course of five weeks, you’ll learn foundational concepts to jump-start your faith journey.


Alpha is a series of fun dinner and group conversation evenings centred around exploring the big questions of life, spirituality, and faith in a laid-back and non-judgmental environment.

Short term missions

Our church sends a variety of construction, ministry, humanitarian and familiarization teams to work with our partners. If you’re interested in being part of a short-term missions team, let us know!

ENCORE (55+)

We host a variety of events throughout the year and monthly programs that range from teaching from scheduled speakers, missions reports, hymn sings, games nights, and serving opportunities.


Conversation Café is a welcoming place to practice English conversations each week. This will help you talk with more confidence to English speakers. The volunteers are not English teachers, but they are happy to talk to you and answer questions. It is OK to make mistakes!


Workshops are an in-house series of topics that examine spiritual and emotional roots that hinder our passion and stability as followers of Christ. In a supported setting, you will be equipped to identify and address ungodly beliefs as you navigate to a place of greater healing and wholeness.


Divorce Care provides ongoing support and encouragement for those struggling with the pain of separation and divorce. The facilitators and group atmosphere help you feel less alone in your feelings and thoughts and provide hope for what is to come.


Grief Share is a support group that meets weekly. This program features biblical concepts for healing from your grief- specifically after the death of a spouse, child, family member or friend.