Hope City Lead is our church’s leadership development initiative. It’s the process in which we help build the leadership quotient in individuals to become strong leaders in God’s Kingdom.

We believe that it’s Jesus’ church, and He will build it (Matthew 16:17-19). Our job is to build and equip people (Matt 28:19, Eph 4:11-12) into the ministry and significance that God has created them for (Eph 2:10). This is the foundational belief of Hope City Lead.

Here are a couple of working definitions to become acquainted with:

  • Definition of a leader: Anyone who has the courage to develop the potential inside of someone else. 
  • Leadership Framework: This is a concept we have developed to describe how we ‘see’ and ‘think’ about leadership at our church. You can see this for yourself below.

The purpose of our leadership framework is to:

  • Provide clarity across our church to the stages of leadership.
  • Create a shared language surrounding leadership development.
  • Define what ‘great’ looks like at each stage.

What the leadership framework is not:

  • This isn’t a ‘ladder to climb’. Instead, this gives clarity to help people be ‘great’ wherever they happen to be serving.
  • This is not discipleship pathway. Meaning, at any stage of leadership, you can have a passionate relationship with Jesus. A greater leadership quotient doesn’t equal a greater spiritual life.

Have questions or want to get involved? Email Pastor Ken McIntyre.